Hello there, you've reached the webserver of the Internet user Golemwire. I'm interested in computer science, programming specifically. I'm studying for a B.S. in Computer Science at a college called Pensacola Christian College.
SubSky - a simple, minimalist, easy-to-implement, and easy-to-use orthogonal RISC/MISC ISA. It has 16 operations ("instructions"), for bitwise operations (4), math (5, including unsigned less-than), conditional processing (3), and memory access (4). It is 32-bit and little-endian, has no status registers or flags, and has a very consistent instruction encoding of four nybble-sized, nybble-aligned fields. The two predicated add instructions are primarily used for jumping, since IP (the Instruction Pointer) is accessible just like any other register.
I made a programming language for SubSky: Slang. The filename extension is .s, since it is S-lang, and is a high-level version of assembly. SubSky photos and demo videos
Beings of Isness - an in-development action-adventure game with platform-fighter mechanics. I'm building it for SubSky! I plan to release it bundled with the SubSky VM, of course, so it runs like any other app.
So far, Beings of Isness is an action-adventure game with platform-fighter mechanics. The story is an important part of it, as well as the fighting system, and the theme of fighting your internal evil and the world’s evil. You take the role of Will, a young man whose village gets raided by the relatively technocratic neighboring town. You flee to the forest, where you encounter a young man who introduces you to the agent tools, special tools and armor which give life and power. You are launched on a journey to stop the invading town's dictator, rescue your village, and save lives on the way.
The Black Box - my 7400-series "TTL logic chip" (actually AHC (CMOS) ) homebrew CPU project.
BlueCPU - a somewhat oddball 24-bit MISC ISA. It was the first one I created. The main question that Blue strove to answer was “What is the most amount of functionality I can get from the least amount of computer?” It currently has a tiny standard library of about 7 functions and macros, and was never finished to the extent I had originally intended.
My VM-related interest has mainly shifted to SubSky. SubSky is about as small and simple as Blue is, yet is much more powerful, and is much, much easier to write software for.
GVGP - a Minecraft- and Roblox- inspired sort of metaverse. I started this when I was very young, but after years and years of on-and-off work I realized that it was too much for me to work on alone. I did get it far enough that it looked similar to early versions of Minecraft, and you could walk around the computer-generated terrain and build things in a limited way. The project is currently shelved, but I look forward to working on it again.
The Item System - an object-oriented computing paradigm. I won't say much about it right now other than that it is like an object-oriented version of Unix's 'everything is a file' philosophy.
A few of these projects are listed by their nicknames, as many of them don't have a name yet. (I oftentimes like naming things near the end of their development.)
Something I want to do someday is to port an emulator of one of my ISAs to UEFI, and write an item-system-conforming OS to run on it. Some of the item system's ideas have been built into the I/O conventions of Sky.
I have a number of other smaller projects, such as a mostly complete chess engine and a multithreaded instant Boggle solver.
I also enjoy playing Smash Ultimate competitively. It is a challenging, high-speed, mentally-demanding game, with a surprising amount of depth. I only started a few years ago, so I don't have much to show, but it is a lot of fun. While I'm at college, I regularly compete in tourneys that the SSBU club Rice Rumble has at my college.
[My Start.gg account][My Challonge.com account][YouTube Smash clips][PeerTube/Fedi Smash clips]